Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! The Year of the Skinny Bitch

Yikes...  I'm fatty fatty 2x4!!!  In case you're unfamiliar with the rhyme it goes something like this:
Fatty, Fatty 2x4
Couldn't Get through
The Bathroom Door!

I was inspired this morning by a gal on youtube called the incredible shrinking woman.  She does a public video diary of how she's doing with her weight loss.  Thought I'd try the same thing so I took some quite unflattering pictures of my big belly and I'm going to reveal to you, my friends, a skinn
ier, healthier, happier version of myself. So log in every now and then to keep me accountable, please.  

I hate seeing myself in pictures now.  I looked skinnier 6 months after I had Harlan, for gosh sakes.  Funny thing is... I thought I was fat then!  I don't want to 
look back on January 1, 2009 five years from now and think how skinny I looked then.  Gotta move in the opposite direction before I become
 one of those sad stories: "remember how cute she used to be before she got really fat?  Too bad."

The views of my belly is my screen saver... I'm like some kind of sadist... but maybe it will also
help to keep me accountable.  My mom bought me the book Skinny Bitch (with my permission) for Christmas.  Some great kick-in-the-butt information in there.  I also am rejoining Weight Watchers on Monday and joining Curves.
Check in for pictorial of my weight loss if you want to be voyeuristic.


  1. I'm totally hi-jacking your blog cause I am fatter than you. BTW Declan just saw your belly picsand asked if I was looking as pajamas for a five year old. He saw the blog title and said "that's not a fat person. Daddy has a fat belly and it's hairrier. That kid looks fine."
    May I join you on your quest to a healthier, more pleasing appearance?? Hopefully you'll say yes. Because I am going to start going to the Center of Clayton tomorrow and I have already begun, as of today, my food-intake restrictions. I can no longer allow myself to be a lumpy, chubbette with a belly that resembles home-made mayonnaise.

  2. Please!!!!!!!! Join ME!!! I love Declan's comments! He thinks I look fine and besides, I don't have a hairy belly, Thank God!
