Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st Weigh-In... the results are in!

It's a good day to be a weight watcher... I lost 3.8 lbs.  I was probably dressed a tad bit lighter than last week but that should'nt account for more than a half a pound or so.  

Today was Katie's 13th birthday!  Wow!  Can't believe she was a 3 year old when she was a flower girl in our wedding!  She gets smarter and smarter every day.  Smarter than me, that is!  She got her ears pierced today.  I surprised her and told her about it on the way to the mall so she wouldn't psych herself out.  She took it like a woman!  
We all went bowling with some friends and it was like trying to herd cats with all the little kids trying to bowl.  We had my kids plus a friend of Katie's and Michele's five kids joined us too.  Lots of mishaps, including me taking a HUGE digger on the lane trying to get Harlan's ball to go down the lane after he set it down instead of rolling it.  Very funny!!!!!  I think my bowling career was snuffed out though because I probably sprained my wrist or something.
We only had to stop play a few times to kiss boo-boos (fingers caught between balls on the ball return thing) and dry tears (someone bowling out of turn).  Thankfully, the teenagers only had fun; no tears.  I'll post pics tomorrow!

It was also a bitter/sweet day as my favorite fabric store is going out of business.  Sad that it's going out of biz but happy to be able to snag over 50 yards of fabric for about $2 a yard.  I am going to recover all the furniture in my family room.  

Okay girls... carry on!  Hope you're doing well.  Thanks for following the blog and for your support!

1 comment:

  1. HI friend! Good job on the 3.8 lbs! I'm sort of WW with you and loving my zero point Asian soup! The other day I was really, really bad and thought about what you said to me...you said something like when you mess up you just get back on track. So, I got on the treadmill later that night and felt so much better!

    Keep it up and keep posting, you know I always enjoy your stories and humor :) Happy Birthday Katie! Can't wait to see the newly pierced ears!!! Tell Whitney it hurt really bad so I can hold her off until she's 10.

    hugs to you all
